Basco Announces Price Increase Effective August 1st, 2021
Due to increasing costs of raw materials, Basco has announced a 10% price increase across the majority of Basco and RODA products effective August 1st, 2021. Please find below the official communication from Basco.

Dear Valued Customer:
As a result of recent increases in raw materials, Basco will be implementing a price increase across the majority of its product lines. In this atmosphere of rising raw material costs, we have worked diligently to absorb as much cost as possible through efficiencies in our business. Nevertheless, with recent supplier actions related to the pricing of aluminum, glass, packaging and petroleum-based products, we find it necessary to take this action.
Effective August 1, 2021, Basco will implement a 10% price increase. Orders received before close of business July 31, 2021 will receive the current pricing. We have attached the updated Basco Core & RODA price books, and they are also available on our website. We expect updated price books to be mailed in mid-July, so that you will have them by August 1.
Thank you as always for your continued loyalty and support of Basco. Should you have any questions in the interim, please contact your local representative or Regional Sales Manager.
Ted Ley
Vice President of Consumer Sales